February 4, 2017

  • Winter Grand Prix 2016-2017

    Veronica and Étienne have been running the Club Northwest Winter Grand Prix again this year. Today was a two-mile track race (eight laps) at Nathan Hale HS.

    Runners were grouped in heats based on their previous times, so Veronica was in Heat 4 and Étienne in Heat 5. Veronica ended up with a season PR of 13:44!
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    Étienne got lapped by the leader just as he finished his sixth lap (you can hear the final lap horn go off in the video), so he mistakenly ran into the finish chute after his seventh lap and even got a place card. But Ballard HS track coach Bob was on the track & called to him to do one more lap. Étienne gave back the place card & finished the race. It probably cost him 15-20 seconds, but he out-sprinted the final runner to many cheers. Bob pulled him aside afterwards and told him how proud he was that he had run the entire race. Four more years & Étienne will be on the Ballard team!

    One more race left in the series!